Rabu, 07 Oktober 2015

Clothes Cleaning Tips of Chewing Gum

Clothes Cleaning Tips of Chewing Gum

Your beloved clothes exposed gum because there prankster who threw it carelessly? Do not worry, here are some tips for eliminating gum stuck to our clothes:

1. Method of GasolineThis is the easiest method to clean the clothing from stains gum. The trick is to apply a little gasoline on the surface of the garments are exposed gum. Then wash the clothes for the pungent smell of petrol menghilagkan

2. The method of ironsPut a piece of clothing with stains gum overwrite the ironing board with a hot medium. Iron the clothes so that stains gum off of clothes.

3. Method vinegarPanasakan cup of vinegar. Enter a toothbrush into hot vinegar and then rub the gum (done by CEAT) because vinegar works best when it is hot. Forward dip toothbrush into vinegar and rub the gum to clean clothes (reheat vinegar if necessary). Wash clothing to remove the pungent smell of vinegar

4. The method of liquid dish soapCover the clothes stained sweets with liquid dish soap. Use a toothbrush to rub soap on the gum. Take a blunt knife and gently rub it on the stain gum. Use the tip of the nail to uproot the remnants of chewing gum stains from clothing. Then wash the clothes.

5. The method of freezingFolding clothes so that gum up. Enter the clothes into a plastic bag. Tie a plastic bag tightly and put into the freezer in the refrigerator for several hours until the gum freezes. Keluarka plastic bag from the freezer open and remove the contents.Exfoliate gum from clothing as soon as possible by using a blunt knife or butter knife. If gum already melted before you had time to peel all bagiannnya of clothes, the clothes in the freezer freeze again or rub an ice cube over the gum.

6. The method of peanut butterSpread peanut butter on the gum. Remember that allow peanut butter will be attached to clothes and leave spots as it contains oil. If this happens use cleaning fluid in order to remove oil stains before you wash it.Stir in peanut butter using a blunt knife slowly and evenly. Wait until the gum to soften and lose adhesion on clothes. Exfoliate gum from clothes slowly.

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